Register of Invest Hub BSA projects

Name of the project:

Full name and contacts

Project cost, KZT

Project Characteristics:

Rapid Review

Project Boost

Presentation date



Presentation date



1 Application of controlled atmosphere ionization technology

Scientific supervisor of KTSUNTU Doctor of Economics Konstantin Eduardovich Gabrin Alexander Vladimirovich Klyuev

8 (705) 800-25-51

Calculated individually depending on the needs of the customer

The range of one set of technological equipment is in the range from 10 to 100 km

03.08.2023 Video
2 Eco product. Bioresonance activation of planting material

Ashirov Abdumalik


Calculated individually depending on the needs of the customer

Calculated individually depending on the needs of the customer

10.08.2023 Video
3 AgriMo is an innovative AgriTech project to help farmers and agricultural enterprises manage their farms and increase profits

Orynbai Alisher, founder and CEO of the AgriMo project


A complete multifunctional system for complete autonomous crop management using its own weather stations, computer vision cameras and an online platform for Kazakhstan and all of Central Asia



Video Presentation


4 i-Greenhouse - A set of automatic control equipment for greenhouses, conservatories and farms growing products in the open field

Dzhalkibaev Nurlan Maratovich, Senior Manager of Corporate Acceleration Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System


A set of automatic control equipment for greenhouses, greenhouses and farms growing products in open ground

23.08.2023 Video Presentation
5 Цифровые двойники и программно-аппаратные комплексы для подготовки специалистов для различных отраслей

Заместитель директора по развитию ТОО "ProgramLab KZ" - Ткаченко Дмитрий Сергеевич

Уникальная модульная архитектура программно-аппаратных комплексов ЦД собственной разработки, позволяющая проводить оптимальные многовариантные моделирования и симуляции любых исследуемых объектов реального мира. Платформа состоит из различных модулей и позволяет перекрестно использовать опыт реализации цифровых двойников в различных отраслях. Платформа PLTwin позволит упростить оптимизацию производственных процессов с целью увеличения темпов ликвидации технологического отставания в освоении и интеграции киберфизических и информационных систем в производстве.

08.09.2023 Видео Презентация

Participation in the "Projects FOR BOOSTING" involves:

1) Project Review - Your ideas will be reviewed by the general public and industry experts will provide their recommendations and assessments.

2) Project boost - if you decide to continue developing your project, you can choose a "professional boost" and get individual advice and analysis from industry experts, business analysts and PM consultants.

Join, choose what suits you best!